Load Flights Data into Elastic Dataset

gsql("insert into pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic select * from pcatalog.flights_hdfs")

Cache Flights

gsql("cache table flights_elastic select * from  pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic")

Read Data from Elastic

gsql("select * from flights_elastic").show(10)

Scala API for Catalog Provider-USER

Please execute the steps in this section if you have choosen CatalogProvider as USER or if you executed the following command

gsql("set gimel.catalog.provider=USER")

Set options

val datasetPropsJson = """{
                                  "datasetType": "ELASTIC_SEARCH",
                                  "fields": [],
                                  "partitionFields": [],
                                  "props": {
                                        "gimel.es.schema.mapping":"{\"location\": { \"type\": \"geo_point\" } }",
                                      "gimel.es.schema.mapping":"{\"executionStartTime\": {\"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis\", \"type\": \"date\" }, \"createdTime\": {\"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis\", \"type\": \"date\"},\"endTime\": {\"format\": \"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis\", \"type\": \"date\"}}",
val options = Map("pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic.dataSetProperties"->datasetPropsJson)

val datasetHivePropsJson = """{ 
                                      "datasetType": "HDFS",
                                      "fields": [],
                                      "partitionFields": [],
                                      "props": {

val hiveOptions = Map("pcatalog.flights_hdfs.dataSetProperties"->datasetHivePropsJson)

Load Flights Data into Elastic Dataset

import com.paypal.gimel._
val dataSet = DataSet(spark)
val hivedf = dataSet.read("pcatalog.flights_hdfs",hiveOptions)
val df = dataSet.write("pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic",hivedf,options)

Read Data from Elastic

import com.paypal.gimel._
val dataSet = DataSet(spark)
val df = dataSet.read("pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic",options)

Scala API for Catalog Provider-HIVE

Please execute the steps in this section if you have choosen CatalogProvider as HIVE or if you executed the following command

gsql("set gimel.catalog.provider=HIVE")

Load Flights Data into Elastic Dataset

import com.paypal.gimel._
val dataSet = DataSet(spark)
val hivedf = dataSet.read("pcatalog.flights_hdfs")
val df = dataSet.write("pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic",hivedf)

Read Data from Elastic

import com.paypal.gimel._
val dataSet = DataSet(spark)
val df = dataSet.read("pcatalog.gimel_flights_elastic")